No meu trabalho, encontro inspiração na Natureza, buscando nela formas, texturas e mesmo materiais. Gosto de aliar o metal a outros materiais menos convencionais, experimentar e descobrir novas técnicas. O resultado final é quase sempre inesperado e muito estimulante. É um desafio ao equilíbrio das coisas, uma procura incessante no sentido de quebrar as barreiras da imaginação. Procuro despertar emoções nas pessoas que usam as minhas jóias, como se uma janela se abrisse para revelar um traço da personalidade, um estado de espírito, uma forma de estar na vida.
In my work, I find inspiration in nature, seeking it shapes, textures and materials. I like to combine the metal to other less conventional materials, experience and discover new techniques. The end result is almost always unexpected and very stimulating. It is a challenge to the balance of things, a relentless quest to break the barriers of the imagination. I try to arouse emotions in people who use my jewellery, as if a window is opened to reveal a dash of personality, a State of mind, a way to be in life.
In my work, I find inspiration in nature, seeking it shapes, textures and materials. I like to combine the metal to other less conventional materials, experience and discover new techniques. The end result is almost always unexpected and very stimulating. It is a challenge to the balance of things, a relentless quest to break the barriers of the imagination. I try to arouse emotions in people who use my jewellery, as if a window is opened to reveal a dash of personality, a State of mind, a way to be in life.